We believe the DreamRoads program will have the following results:
Personal Development
Students take responsibility for their own learning; they become more proactive in managing their path to success
Improved self-understanding
Improved positive self-concept
Improved confidence in relationships and available resources
Develop life-long skills used continuously to assess
Who Am I?
What Do I Want My Life To Be?
What Do I Need To Do To Get There?
Become intentional students​​
School Relevance
Students understand the connection between what they’re learning---both in and out of school--- and their path to their desired future
See school as an “investment” and not a “chore”----a powerful paradigm shift
Increased persistence
When students see the connection between particular content and themselves it makes it more likely they will persist through tedious work when required
Specific goals are routinely set and accomplished
School Success
Students are more likely to go, and to complete school when they see it as meaningful to them and their future
Increased intrinsic motivation---the kind required for true learning to occur
Increased school attendance and graduation rates
Increased credit completion and better GPAs
Students are in classes that better match their goals, interests, and cognitive strengths thus they are more likely to succeed
Increased engagement
No matter how uninteresting or boring content may seem, once students have determined that the content is worth knowing it will hold their attention and
engage them